Working at home during the summer creates challenges for the WAHM. As the summer begins, there’s a lot to maintain the kids entertained and give Mom time to work on her business. As the summer progresses, however, choruses of ‘Mom I’m bored’ ring out, causing otherwise serene mannered Moms to throw up their hands in complete desperation; good before they begin planning an flee route.
Moms can’t flee for too long however, and kids have an uncanny knack of finding the hiding area anyway. So what can you do to sustain your business in tact during the summer months when the cherubs are effectively running the explain?
How flexible are you? No, I don’t mean can you play a mean game of Twister while baking a pan of blueberry muffins, but rather, how willing or able are you to adjust your normal work at home day to meet the ever changing demands of tireless children?
Leslie Spencer, founder of Home Based Working Hom, suggests using a laptop with a wireless internet connection. You’ll be a mobile mom, able to consume your work anywhere your kids go.
Planning and preparation will produce your life less stressful. Before summer vacation begins, do some research to gather local youth programs being offered and enroll your kids. perform lists of ‘things to do’ and have ready all of the needed supplies so your school age kids can entertain themselves.
Be realistic. advance to terms with the fact that you may not be as productive during the summer, and schedule your work to design the best utilize of your time.
Summer challenges for WAHMs do not have to cripple your business. glean local groups and activities for your kids to participate in and remember, time with your kids will pass all too soon, and summer vacation is honest one section of WAHM life.
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